Horse Hydration: Top 3 Water Additives for Stubborn Horses

Quenching your horse’s thirst doesn’t have to be a challenge. In this guide, we unveil our top three water additives that not only entice your equine friend to drink but also offer additional health benefits, improving overall horse hydration. Say goodbye to the struggle and make hydrating your horse a breeze with these flavorful and nutritious options. Click here to watch our visual representation.

Horse Hydration Hack #1: Apple Cider Vinegar 

Enhance your horse’s water with the tangy goodness of apple cider vinegar. This natural elixir not only adds a burst of flavor but also provides various health benefits, including improved digestion, immune support and overall horse hydration.

Horse Hydration Hack #2: Diluted Apple Juice

For a touch of sweetness without the added sugars, try diluted apple juice. It’s a refreshing option that appeals to horses’ taste buds while providing essential vitamins. Adjust the dilution to suit your horse’s preferences and ensure a hydrating experience.

Hydration Hack #3: Carrot or Orange Juice

Add a twist of color and flavor with a diluted infusion of carrot or orange juice. Packed with vitamins and minerals, this option not only encourages horse hydration but also contributes to your horse’s overall well-being. Experiment with proportions to find the perfect balance for your equine companion.

Liquids You Shouldn’t Give Horses:

  1. Citrus Juices (e.g., Lemon, Lime): These are highly acidic and can upset a horse’s stomach or cause digestive issues.

  2. Grape Juice: Grapes and their derivatives can be toxic to horses, potentially leading to kidney damage.

  3. Apple Juice (in large quantities): While apples in moderation can be a healthy treat, concentrated apple juice is high in sugar and can contribute to dental problems and obesity. In very large quantities, apples and their juice can potentially lead to stomach discomfort or colic.

  4. Cherry Juice: Parts of the cherry plant contain cyanide, and while the flesh of the fruit might be safe in small quantities, concentrated juice could potentially carry toxins.

  5. Avocado Juice: All parts of the avocado are toxic to horses, leading to health issues such as colic, respiratory distress, or even death.

  6. Tomato Juice: Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family and are toxic to horses, causing gastrointestinal upset.

  7. Stone Fruit Juices (e.g., Peach, Plum, Apricot): Like cherries, these fruits contain cyanide in their pits, and while the fruit flesh might be less concerning, concentrated forms of the juice could potentially include harmful substances.

  8. Chocolate Flavored Beverages: Chocolate is toxic to horses due to theobromine, leading to serious health issues.

  9. Caffeinated Beverages: While not a juice, it’s worth noting that any beverage containing caffeine is unsuitable for horses, as caffeine can cause nervousness, heart palpitations, and digestive issues.

Customizing for Your Horse’s Hydration Needs:

Remember, proportions matter when incorporating water additives for horse hydration. Consider factors such as age, weight, activity level, and health condition. Tailor the quantities of each additive based on your horse’s unique preferences and requirements.

Why Proportions Matter:

Taking control of your horse’s hydration allows you to tailor the water additives to address their individual needs. Maintaining the right balance ensures they enjoy the benefits without compromising their health.


With these top three horse hydration hacks, you can transform the way your horse approaches water. Whether it’s the tang of apple cider vinegar, the sweetness of diluted apple juice, or the vibrant infusion of carrot or orange, you have the tools to make horse hydration a breeze. Customize the additives based on your horse’s preferences, and watch them happily sip away while reaping the added health benefits. So, take the reins of your horse’s hydration routine, experiment with the proportions, and ensure they stay happily hydrated on every equestrian adventure!

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Remember proportions matter!

Tailor the ingredients and quantities based on your animal’s specific needs, considering factors such as age, weight, activity level, and health condition.